Wednesday, December 12, 2018

How to Increase Your SEO Traffic in 30 Days

Originally: SEO, at the time of this writing, is no easy task and the results aren’t going to be anywhere close to how it was in the late 90s. Those days, you could pull it off with a 7 step process, a shady website, and with a few mega bytes of content thrown in to show up on search rankings by the end of 3 days. We’ve come a long way since then and the nuts and bolts of SEO are changing every single day. For everyone with a website, however, learning how to increase SEO traffic is a major fixation, and that’s a good thing. Regardless of how hard it gets to rank your pages for your preferred keywords, organic search listings are still a great way to get (and increase) traffic to your website (and is also a trusted route). As Jason DeMers of Search Engine Land writes, you’d need a lot more to succeed with SEO in 2017 than you’d have needed in 2009.

Get The Technical Part Sorted

Before you go looking for how to increase SEO Traffic, you’d have some work to do. Google has a mix of preferred requirements that are now a mandate. Your website has to load fast, and Google already indicated that site speed is certainly one of its signals that its algorithms take into consideration, according to Moz. Related: 15 Fast Loading WordPress Themes for Reduced Loading Time It’s another thing that fast loading websites are also great for user experience. Enable compression, Minify HTML/CSS/JavaScript files, enable Browser Caching, enhance server response times, use a CDN, and also make sure you optimize your images (since more images tend to slow down websites). Responsive websites are critical for performance too, thanks to an Official Google Release in February 2016 when it announced official integration of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). Wondering how AMP helps with SEO? A DoubleClick Study revealed that more than 80% of publishers realized higher page views rates and lower bounce rates. More than 90% of publishers reported higher engagement with pages. Also read: How to optimize mobile SEO in 2017

Start With On-Page SEO

 If you’d like to see results off your SEO efforts and increase SEO traffic to your website in 30 days more or less, On-Page SEO is where you’ll be spending more time on. With WordPress, using effective plugins like Yoast SEO Plugin along with W3 Total Cache help focus on speed as well as basic Search Optimization you’d need. For most cases, Brian Dean of Backlinko has helpfully listed out the anatomy of a perfectly optimized page for 2016, and a few basics obviously stand out:
  • Start with the obvious meta information, title tags, and keywords in your titles. Make sure the titles are in tags.
  • Use SEO-friendly URLs and slugs
  • Every image uploaded should have keyword rich anchor text.
  • If you can, drop your focus keyword within the first 100 words of your text
  • Link out to other influencers, stats, research, and other blog posts while publishing your own content.
  • Use LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords — they boost your chances of getting found for relevant keywords and their synonyms but also give you more creative freedom to write and publish your content.
  • Make your content “Shareable” on social media. Google also takes Social media signals into account and the more popular a piece of content is (for a relevant keyword), the more Google tends to favor it in search.
  • The days of writing short, 350 word posts are over (unless the post itself doesn’t need more than 300-500 words). Focus on writing long-form content.

Use Schema for Markup

Google is already experimenting with various ways to make a users’ search experience more valuable. Say hello to Schema (a collaborative project between Google, Yandex, Bing, and Yahoo) – micro data that uses your website and content structure to present information in a more usable format for users, within search results. Schema is directly added into your site’s HTML code and is defined by Type Hierarchy. Schema helps Google and other search engines to interpret your content accurately due to rich snippets, thereby increasing your site’s visibility and traffic. Dan Shewan of WordStream has a handy guide to help you to start using Scheme Markup for SEO.

Work On Quick Link building & Traffic Generation

 Link Building specifically happens in two ways, as on 2016 (and beyond):
  1. Producing high-quality content that others find and then link to.
  2. Building a specific process for link-building involving outreach, consistent publishing on other blogs (guest blogging), and creating other forms of viral content that are used as vehicles for link building (infographics, videos, and more).
Since our focus is to start bringing in SEO results and boost traffic quickly, aim for the low-hanging fruit and split your link building and traffic generation strategy into two time frames: Short-term and long-term (the inherent process is still the same). For short-term, here are a few ways to speed up your Link building quickly: Find high-quality, but easy media for publishing: Start with LinkedIn Publishing and start writing up content of high value. The advantage is that anyone with a LinkedIn account can publish and this allows for immediate results. A few blogs also allow for automated signup (or quick applications) to start guest posting.
Publish on Medium
: Medium is quickly rising to be a trusted resource as a parallel publishing platform on top of the efforts you already take with your blog and guest posting. Like LinkedIn Publishing Platform, Medium allows anyone to signup and start publishing.  By linking to your own content (where it makes sense, and without overdoing it), you can quickly build up links to your own properties.
Answer to bait, on Quora
: For every question that relates to your business niche on Quora, you have a chance to insert a relevant link that leads to an article or a blog post with more information pertaining to that question.  Quora users are hungry for information and clicking on your links comes naturally to them. Quora happens to be one of the best (and the fastest) ways to get traffic in as much as a day with consistent effort and truly highly-quality answers.
Stumble on StumbleUpon
: Most people don’t realize this but StumbleUpon isn’t a forgotten piece of social media real estate.  According to Search Engine People, StumbleUpon has more than 30 million active people each month, and the average StumbleUpon Session lasts for anywhere between 22-30 minutes. More than 15% of B2B marketers use StumbleUpon to distribute their content. Those are just a few of the ways as to how to increase your SEO traffic to drive more visitors to your website, increase conversions, and boost your business. However, don’t get too fixated on 30 days or 60 days. Search Engine Optimization is a long-term strategy and it begins to show results only when your efforts are consistent, and when you do the right things such as producing long-form, high-quality content for long periods of time. Also, SEO isn’t the only way to drive traffic to your website. Tap into the power of digital marketing as a whole and work on other digital marketing channels too. What do you do with SEO to drive traffic to your site?

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