When it comes to setting and tracking your marketing KPIs, many marketers and business owners are fully aware of the usual suspects.
Sales revenue. Leads. Cost per acquisition.
But there are a number of other KPIs that you should be tracking in order to execute a more successful marketing campaign.
No one wants to support a marketing activity that's losing their company money. By tracking the right marketing KPIs, your company will be able to make adjustments to various strategies and budgets.
Without the right ones, however, your company might be reporting and making decisions based on misleading information.
The 10 Most Important Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking
1. Sales Revenue
How much revenue has your inbound marketing campaign brought your company?Understanding your sales revenue is important to knowing how effective your inbound marketing campaign is. No company wants to spend money on something that isn't generating money.
Most likely you would move that money to other marketing activities. To determine your sales revenue from inbound marketing you must first have a thorough understand of what you mean by inbound and outbound marketing.
You can calculate your sales revenue from inbound marketing by utilizing the following calculation.
(Total sales for the year) - (Total revenue from customers acquired through inbound marketing)
Note: At IMPACT, we track this metric and a host of others for clients in a custom Databox template. You can get the template for yourself here!
2. Cost Per Lead
Not only do you want to calculate your customer acquisition costs for inbound marketing, but outbound marketing as well. How much is it costing you to acquire a customer through inbound marketing versus outbound marketing?Calculating your customer acquisition costs requires the integration of your marketing automation and CRM platforms as well as accounting for all relevant costs associated with ERP integration.
Calculating CAC for inbound marketing, relevant costs include:
- Manpower (creative and technical)
- Technology and software
- General overhead
- Advertising
- Marketing distribution
- Manpower (sales and marketing)
- General overhead
If your company is utilizing mostly inbound marketing, you can break down that component further by campaign types then assess how successful and profitable each activity is. When you know that, you can start implementing activities to improve over time.
3. Customer Value
With inbound marketing, there is no better way to measure customer value than reach out to your current customers. Not only can doing this help you keep in contact with leads, but it can also help reduce churn, keep your customers happy, and expand your customers lifetime value.You can calculate the lifetime value of your customers by using the following calculation:
(Average sale per customer) x
(Average number of times a customer buys per year) x (Average retention
time in months or years for a typical customer)
A great way to increase the lifetime value of your customers is by
developing lead nurturing campaigns that reach out to existing
customers.Providing you and your sales team the opportunity to inform existing customers about new services, products, and resources.
4. Inbound Marketing ROI
Every company wants to see their return on investment!Calculating your inbound marketing return on investment is huge to help assess your monthly and annual performance. Equally important is the ability to start planning strategies and budgets for the following year or even months.
You don't want to continue adding money or increasing your budget for a marketing activity that is costing your company money. So, no matter what marketing activity your company is using, your return on investment will determine the future with that activity.
Use the formula below to calculate your inbound marketing ROI:
(Sales Growth – Marketing Investment) / Marketing Investment = ROI
5. Traffic-to-Lead Ratio (New Contact Rate)
Understanding your website traffic, especially knowing where your it is coming from, whether it's organic, direct, social media or referrals is extremely important.If your traffic is steady or increasing, but your traffic-to-lead ratio is low or decreasing, that's a surefire sign that something is missing on-page.
In the spirit of conversion rate optimization, track this number to help you determine if and when a change in your website's text, design, form, etc. may be needed.
6. Lead-to-Customer Ratio
After all of your marketing efforts, it's important to know how many leads your sales team is able to close. You will want to calculate both your sales qualified lead conversion rate and sales accepted lead conversion rate.What's the difference between the two?
Sales Qualified Leads are leads considered to be sales ready based on their lead score or specific activities/triggers they completed. Most companies would consider a lead who filled out a form, such as "contact a rep" a lead who is ready to buy your service or product. For example, a waste management company with a lead who filled out the form "rent a dumpster," would be considered a sales qualified lead.
Sales Accepted Leads are simply leads your sales team considers opportunities, and have either contacted the lead directly or a scheduled call.
Looking at these two ratios, ask yourself the following questions:
- Is my campaign capturing leads?
- Is our CRM successfully passing qualified leads to sales at the right time?
- Do we have high close rate?
Note: This is another metric we track in Databox. Get our "Ascend" template here.
7. Landing Page Conversion Rates
So your landing page is up; it's beautiful, it follows all the best practices, but is it actually converting?A landing page that doesn't generate leads is useless, no matter how much traffic it gets or how beautifully designed it is, so monitor your conversion rate. Find out how to improve your landing page conversion rates here.
Like your traffic to lead ratio, if your landing page is getting a lot of traffic, but has a low conversion rate, then it is a red flag that you need to change something on the page.
For example, try A/B testing some of the changes below to see which delivering the highest conversion rate:
- Change your CTA color
- Convey more value in your CTA text
- Make your written content more persuasive
- Shorten your form
- Add social proof (i.e. reviews, social counts, awards, etc.)
8. Organic Traffic
The goal of any business using inbound marketing is to have most of their traffic come from organic search.High organic traffic means that people are finding your website on their own, minimizing not only your effort for your cost of attracting them to your site.
It should come as no surprise that organic traffic is directly correlated to your SEO strategy, so make sure to monitor this number (along with your keywords) and refine your SEO strategy accordingly.
9. Social Media Traffic (and Conversion Rates)
Many clients are often wary about the importance of social media in their inbound marketing, but over the years it has proven invaluable to every campaign's success.Metrics you can utilize to show the importance and impact of social media on your marketing efforts include:
- Number of lead conversions generated via each social media channel
- Number of customer conversions generated through social media channel
- Percentage of traffic associated with social media channels
10. Mobile Traffic, Leads, and Conversion Rates
Is your website effectively optimized for mobile? With so many people browsing the web exclusively from their smartphones and devices and Google showing preference for sites optimized for mobile, you need to know how your visitors are using it.Pay close attention to:
- Mobile traffic
- Number of lead conversions from mobile devices
- Bounce rates from mobile devices
- Conversion rates from mobile optimized landing pages
- Popular mobile devices